
一年才看完的书~[The Wind-up Bird Chronicle]

Genre: Literature & Fiction
Author:村上春树Haruki Murakami
已经很久没写review了呵呵~ 最近都在忙写同人故事呵呵~有兴趣可以点击玄烨之家分行看看nanaho88.blogspot.com。说回正题,如题我真的花了一年多的时间才看完这本书。

这是日本名作家村上春树的最长篇作品:发条鸟年代记三部曲。本人看的是英译版[The Wind-up Bird Chronicle] 其实面数并不多607而已。不过却让我看了整整一年。当然这一年内是以断断续续的方式看的。故事简介虽然很简单不过真正内容却十分的奇怪:

Toru Okada’s cat has disappeared and this has unsettled his wife, who is herself growing more distant every day. Then there are the increasingly explicit telephone calls he has started receiving. As this compelling story unfolds, the tidy suburban realities of Okada’s vague and blameless life- spent cooking, reading , listening to jazz and opera and drinking beer at the kitchen table- are turned inside out, and he embarks on a bizarre journey, guided (however obscurely) by a succession of characters , each with a tale to tell.

主故事里还穿插了许多小故事比如:Creta Kanno’s story, Lieutenant Mamiya ‘s Story, The Mystery of the Hanging House, Clumsy Massacre, May Kasahara point of view…

Creta Kanno’s story: “黄色”成分比较高,不过却描述了“第一次”的那种痛。让人读了也觉得可怕。

Lieutenant Mamiya’s Story: 写述日军占领满洲国时代到苏联打探的故事。日军被苏联军逮捕然后在内蒙古由蒙古人对他们用刑的血腥场面。最恶心的就是蒙古人把军人的皮给活生生拨开的场面。

The Mystery of the Hanging House: 以报纸新闻方式讲述主角住在附近的空房子。没什么特别印象。

Clumsy Massacre: 讲述日军在满洲国的某家动物园里残杀动物及满洲国军人的故事。最恶心的莫非就是用baseball bat把军人活活打死的片断。

May Kasahara point of view: 这一部分是比较值得思考的部分。写述一位17岁的女孩May对世间的看法。



3 件のコメント:

  1. wa.. sounds complicated... i'll go crazy if read this book... btw, ur new website is ur story izzit?

  2. hahaha...the new website one ah ? yaya i write one loh..haha but it's a fan fiction lai eh....which i post it up on some china website..hehe

  3. oic.. haha... got time i also go read...
