
Angels & Demons X2

Ok before we get into the main topic I want to talk something about yesterday.
Yesterday after fetch my cousins [Yong Ching , Xiao Hui and Yong Liang] We went back to home take a bath & rest then proceed to Gurney Plaza. At first we stop at Secret Recipe. Yong Liang is a fans of Cheese Cake. So we order 3 types of cake : Tiramisu [My choice] , Cappucino Cheese Cake [Yong Liang] and Strawberry Chocolate Cake [Xiao Hui] . I don’t really like the cakes , I prefer Green Tea Cheese Cake . However then don’t have it in Gurney Plaza store. Next stop wandering around in the plaza. Then at 4.55pm we go watch Star Trek. It’s kind of interesting and funny , I like one of the main character in the movie – Spock. The whole theater only has 8 persons including us!! So after the movie start we all change our sit to couple sit!! Haha…it’s my 1st time to sit a couple sit since I’m single. Yes it’s very comfortable and big compare to normal chair. My “couple” is Yong Liang…hahahaha which is the “Sunshine Otaku” in case you guys don’t know..After the movie we ate our dinner at Manhattan Fish Market.  The food there’s quite nice , it’s my 1st time there. I like the clam chowder and the garlic rice from the Seafood Platter for 2 set. Overall it’s quite a pleasant experience , however I think they put a lots of “Ajinomoto” cause it’s quite thirsty after the meal which is a bad thing.
Let’s talk back about today….
From the title you guys should know that I watch Angels& Demons again…
My no planning cousin Yong Ching “plan” to watch Terminator this afternoon. However I’m not interested with this show and plan to skip this time. But the point is no matter I want to see it or not I’ve to fetch them back to their hotel [The cozy but extremely small Tune Hotel which they checked in this afternoon]. Its’ troublesome us , therefore my mom thinks of an idea which is why don’t we also go watch movie but another movie a.k.a Angels & Demons. And so everyone agreed. What I want to highlight is my parents watch movie just because to waste some time so that we can fetch them after the movie only. However it end up, my cousin are calling other cousin to join them and we don’t need to wait for them after all!! We don’t know anything until the last minute the other cousin show up and tell us no need to wait for them. Gosh!! That’s when we already purchased the tickets, well luckily the shows worth a watch and the ticket price is only RM7 or else……
So talk about the second time of watching Angels & Demons…
It surprised me to see so many people show up for this movie, cause the 1st time I saw this I think the whole theater are less than 20 people. Since I already know the plot and the storyline there should be nothing special anymore. However the Camerlengo  part still touches me and tears keep on rolling down from my eyes luckily it’s dark…haha Actually the plot of the story it’s kind of simple, what touches me is the exact of Catholicism in the film. The destroying of the Ring of Fisherman , Popes Funeral , Conclave in the Sistine Chapel , The Black Smoke , The crowd gathered in St. Peter Square , and the appearance of White Smoke from the Chimney of Sistine Chapel and finally “We have a Pope”. These all brings back precious memories during the time our beloved Pope John Paul II went back to HIS FATHER and of course the process of Pope Benedict XVI get elected. The wonderful “White Smoke” experience. During that time it’s already midnight in Malaysia and I should already in dream land since tomorrow I got school. However maybe I’m too excited or leading of the Holy Spirit hehe I suddenly awake and the moment I walk out to the living room and look at the TV[my parents already turn on the TV to CNN channel however they’ve asleep] and there they are the appearance of the White Smoke. “Habemus  Papam” = We have a Pope. Every catholic on the whole world are waiting for the appearance of our Holy Father, waiting for the opening of the Red Curtain from the balcony. It’s just like the scene in the film. It was a wonderful experience to see the whole process live thanks to technology!! But for those who are in the St. Peter Square it sure is a life time experience bless them!! I surely will at least visit Vatican City once before I die.
Return back to the movie, I think the movie it’s better than the novel. They had made some changes from the novel to fit into 2hrs and 15mins film and the changes include the story of Camerlengo. I think the film more fit the Catholic than the book which means it’s more acceptable in certain angle. Besides the movie’s Camerlengo it’s so handsome…hahahahaha!!
As a whole my favourite quote in the movie is “ Religious is imperfect because we human too are imperfect” . It’s true nobody’s perfect even the sacred religious therefore we have to accept our bypasses, mistakes learn from it and strike for a better future….
p.s Some extra photos. Since people are wondering whether Vatican really have a secret archives or not ? The answer is yes , however it's not as high-tech as seen in the movie. Here are some of the pictures of Vatican Secret Archives.
                                                          the storeroom
                                            the computer and reading room
                                          some volumes found in the archives


五人的“天使与魔鬼” 26/5/09记

说好2.15pmGurney GSC 见。。
不过最后还是载了啦~ 似乎迟到了十分钟。。
过后就到Gurney去咯~由于帮爸妈做餐馆生意所以2时多仍然没有吃午餐,所以就到Chopper Board 那里吃。当时贤惠也到了,与她谈了一会儿过后文强也到了。。只有那个臭wei yee[忘了他的名字如何写] 仍然不见人影。。
Chopper Board 大概谈了45分钟。。都是一些大学的事情。。
贤惠读的是Pure Chemistry UTAR 而文强是UPM 的兽医系。。
与他们谈天才发现不知怎的我的Pure Chemistry好像与他们的不一样。。
他们才1st year就谈什么project了,而我还要等到3rd year才有final year project。。
我与他们的不同就是每周有很多quizzes assignment而已。。
总觉得我的courses就如以前form 6一样,死读书每什么特别,长不大。。
而且没想到UTAR 竟然有更多的opportunities…
USMScience Stream 只怎么啦?
话说回来,那个wei yee 3pm才到。。所以最后我们只好看3.15pm那场。。
戏院真的很少人。。不知是否有20个人呢。。由于大家都有student pass所以戏票只有RM6
其实看这戏的理由就是要看Ewan Mcgregor~他是我的偶像!!Star Wars Obi Wan Kenobi…哈哈!! 如今他穿上神父袍也是很帅哟~

不知Vatican 是否真的有那么high tech archive ?  hehehe….




Genre: Foreign


评语:故事内容还可以不过并不是很突出。若说把历史人物“申润福”变性成为女人,然后又用画连接起一个爱情故事来,这点确实挺新鲜的。有人说此剧的卖点就是色情这其实也没什么不对。这电影确实有很多大胆的色情镜头。润福与爱人的床戏更是超过5分钟而且女主角更是全裸上演。还有一部分更是大胆描写两个妓女表演性爱姿势。以另一个角度来说导演实实在在的把古朝鲜表面儒家保守的面具给拆穿出来。正因为历史上申润福是个“俗画”画家所以情色部分是离不了的。比起文根英主演的电视剧《风之画圆》这部电影更是贴近残酷的现实。除了故事内容此电影也拍得很美、华丽。音乐方面也很不错尤其是那首“月下情人”。此版的“月下情人”比《风之画圆》版的更胜一筹。开端而柔柔吉他声,到kayageum的琴声然后就是凄惨地提琴主音,犹如把我们带到申润福的那幅《月下情人》的画里。月沉之夜 三更 两人心 事两人知 ~正是这个样子的。还有就是此剧的main theme月夜密会也很好听。至于主题曲“美人图”更是我最爱的一首歌,歌词凄美,旋律以及歌手的唱法有点应用韩国传统歌曲唱法“pansori”。终结算是一部不错的戏,有空可以看看不过警告此剧由很多色情内容不喜者别看。我希望可以再看一次不过由于情色关系所以并不是容易找到的戏,而且更怕有些奸诈人士在看戏的网页上动手脚。。

个人喜欢第一个预告片觉得这预告片的音乐很好听。那时以韩国传统乐器演绎的tango by Piazzolla 非常新鲜。



Genre: Animation
Doraemon 很久咯~最早接触的日本anime小时候就很喜欢看,那时觉得很稀奇、天马行空。也有看它的漫画。Opening theme也很经典~ang ang ang totemo daisuki doraemon~

Vandread 1st and 2nd stage ~ 初中时挺喜欢的一部anime,记得那时最喜欢的character就是Buzam A. Calessa [BC]灰头发的那个女生。搞笑的是这个BC其实是个男人~哈哈哈!视频是second stage的,个人比较喜欢second stage的主题曲。

Galaxy Angel~初中吧,故事是啥我也忘记了。看看只是打法时间罢了。

最游记+Reload+Gunlock~ 初中开始到高中。蛮喜欢的一部anime。最喜欢的就是玄奘三藏与猪八戒。这里的猪八戒帅帅的哟~哈哈哈!



金田一少年事件簿~高中时代到现在。最喜欢的anime了~!个人喜欢侦探故事嘛~而且还有些恐怖因素。最重要的是有我喜欢的明智警视~!哈哈!这个视频是金田一的第三ending theme也是我最喜欢的歌曲~Mysterious Night


Kino’s Journey~高中时代就很喜欢了!故事说明一个名叫KINO的女孩与她的摩托车玩游世界,到每个地方是所遇见的离奇故事。由于这anime是在深夜是播放的,所以有时看了还会觉得怕怕地~!


Cardcaptor Sakura~中六时期~无聊时看的。最讨厌那个Sakura了,公主病的药死!比较喜欢她的朋友tomoko还有那个会魔法的眼镜小男孩。。我好像只看last few episode only..还有也很讨厌那个小龙!!




药师寺良子奇怪事件簿~大学一年级。很喜欢!!又是一部女主动漫,而且那个女主角简直就是个女王!!爱死了!哈哈!这个动漫没有用歌手唱opening and ending。全都靠background music而已,不过此BGM很精致,很好听。

XXX Holic+ Holic续 ~大学一年级。觉得很好看,故事也神奇古怪。最喜欢那个独目眼了!!还有就是独目眼与四月一日在一起时是最好笑的啦!!


~我马马虎虎弹奏的古曲汉宫秋月[古筝] ~

叙别了多年不知什么风又把我吹到自家满是灰尘的古筝面前来。由于假期太无聊了所以就想制作一些视频,就在刚才做了这个视频。这是中国十大名曲之一的汉宫秋月,是我这个多年不动琴的“冬瓜”[赖生给他学生的绰号]弹的。多年不动琴所以各位通融通融以下咯~ 而且由于指甲不够长所以是用弹拨的方式弹奏,音色没那么好“流水音”那里更加严重。不过也希望大家可以马马虎虎地欣赏吧~!还有其实这个汉宫秋月是本人自学的哟~!呵呵~!


槟城人说小吃~第三篇:Chendol &Rojak

地点:Penang Road [靠近有卖Laksa的茶室的档口]
评语:这当然也是最好吃的Chendol啦~独特的santan,香浓的Gula Melaka 还有最重要的是滑又不硬的chendol。这是每个人不分种族一旦来槟城一定要吃的一道甜品。不过来时记得要吃那个有卖laksa茶室旁边那个档的chendol因为比较好吃。不过切记不要吃那茶室的laksa因为不好吃,还有就是一旦把chendol叫进茶室就得付extra chendol tax。



地点:Jalan Seratus Tahun百年路咖哩面 [靠经Red Rock Hotel]
价钱: RM3.50[] RM3.80[]
Extra: 这个咖啡店又买一种传统的饮料就是“打架鱼”其实是肉桂水罢了,只是此饮料装在以前用来装“打架鱼”的玻璃瓶子而已。我通常都会点豆奶所以吃了咖哩面+豆奶保证不用吃午餐了。因为咖哩面卡路里很高而且又有饱和感。



就在昨天那里的人致电告诉我工作的详情。谁知我只有一个学生,就在周日3.00pm-3.45pm也就是一个月工钱RM38,扣掉车马费[一个月来回Gurney Drive大概也要RM10-15]最终只赚RM25左右。最后与家人商讨后决定不去干。不过如果这地方很靠近我一定会去做。
不过像我这样的人,最好还是关在research lab工作就好咯!虽然还是会面对到上属的打压,不过还不至于OL War吧。要不然当个教授也不错。哈~~高高在上!!开口闭口Dr. See~!! 但是Dr. See的代价就是要拼命读书,不断做research!! 说到这些咳~不知我这个Sem的成绩如何。。



最近放假很无聊,所以就写个介绍槟城小吃的blog。槟城最出名的就是吃啦,不过若不会找吃的话,一样是会吃到难以下咽的食物!!到槟城吃小吃最忌去那些food court吃。如:New World Park  and Gurney Drive Food Court。这两个地方买的东西又贵又不好吃,Gurney Drive food court 更死卫生设备又肮脏!!今天要介绍的是槟城最好吃的粿條汤 Koay Teow Teng
地点:Jalan Hutton [Near New World Park] Fook Cheow福州茶室
时间:早上 [星期日休息]
价钱:RM2.60 [加料另算]
Extra:到了福州茶室一定要点一杯热奶茶。因为这里的奶茶是最好喝的。这里的奶茶是丝袜奶茶,因为老板娘加了UHT Milk而不是condense milk所以喝起来很顺喉又香浓。除了奶茶福州茶室卖的娘惹糕也蛮好吃,个人最喜欢它的Kaya KuihKuih TalamNext就是福州茶室对面小档所卖的曼煎糕。这里的曼煎糕是全槟城最便宜的了!!3个只售RM1,各位到那里时一定要光顾这位老伯伯的曼煎糕。这曼煎糕很有传统的味道,奶油很香很挺好吃的。不过一定要趁热吃,因为冷后就不好吃了。



30th April Day 1
Reach Uncle’s house. Rest for a while and then go shopping!! What to say? Singapore is a shopping country~] we have our lunch at Katong 328 Laksa shop. My aunt said the serve the best Katong Laksa however I don’t like it, though I manage to take some picture of the laksa.1st stop Singapore Expo. They are holding Metro Expo Sales. Everything seems to be the same as last Expo Sales which is during last year Christmas. They are selling Crocs Shoes at a very cheap price; however I had already bought the shoes during last Expo Sales so I’m not interested with it. The whole time there it’s quite bored; in the end I just bought one Fila T-shirt which is SGD$10. Next stop Vivo City that horrible crowded place!! But then this time it’s a bit different. Maybe it’s because it’s weekdays or due to economy crisis, Vivo City seems less crowded as usual. Searching for cheap Ayumi Hamasaki’s new album Next Level at Vivo however it had disappointed me. The main purpose to go Vivo City is because of Daiso the SGD$2 shop!! I bought an umbrella and varieties of Japanese Tea which cost me SGD$2 for each item only. After that we leave Vivo City and proceed to Bugis Juction [another shopping mall] We park our car at Raffles Hospital [the Hotel like Hospital] Due to swine flu incident the entrance to the hospital was blocked by a group of “space man” who check people’s body temperature when they go into the hospital. Bugis Junction’s department store BHG [their boss is a China Man] is a shopping heaven!! They give 20-30% storewide discount for non offer items and additional 15% discount to those offer items. However that day I didn’t buy anything at BHG. We have our dinner at Bugis, I ate Korean spicy rice cakes nothing much to comment. Last stop Orchard Road. The whole time is just walking around, nothing to buy. In the end we ate Hokkaido ice-cream at Takashimaya Basement. My father ate rum-raisin while I ate Mango ice-cream ice blend, each ice-cream cost us SGD$3.80. The rum-raisin ice-cream almost the same as Haagen-Darz just it’s less creamy and more rum!! While the Mango ice-cream ice blend is the best! They serve it with real Aussie Mango it’s so sweet and nice!! Then we go back to Uncle’s house. That night I can’t sleep because the weather in Singapore is too hot!!! Not like my love Penang raining everyday~ ha-ha
1st May Day 2
My favorite day!! We go to Asian Civilizations Museum in the morning to see Emperor Kang Xi’s Exhibition at Empress Place. The details of the exhibition are at my previous blog. I bought one book SGD$14.90 in the museum shop as a sovenier for the trip.Then we have lunch at Funan IT Mall. I ate Japanese soft shell crabs set lunch SGD$6 it so delicious and it’s my best meal for this trip!! I bought Logitech IPod Docking System SGD$99 at Funan IT Mall. After that we proceed to Orchard Road. This time I bought a small jeans bag at Takashimaya SGD$7.90.We ate Ah Kun’s toast bread and the tasty Hokkaido Ice-cream again. Next we go to Bugis Junction BHG Department Store. We buy a lot of things there and shop till the store close!!I bought 2 Hush Puppies T-shirt total SGD$23.80,Sembonia's bag SGD$41.65 and a 12” Winnie the Pooh Baby Eeyore Plushy SGD$8.50. Ha-ha!! We end our day by having late night dinner at 107 Food Court few blocks after Uncle’s house.
2nd May Last Day
1st stop Suntec City. Nothing special. Still in search for cheaper Ayumi’s CD however Sunctec also disappoint me. Today my favorite cousin Yong Ling [my ideal type man…ha-ha] follow us go shopping. We have lunch at Suntec food court. Since I’m still full so I just ate a bowl of Almond Tofu. After that nightmare happen!! I got diarrhea and gastric!! 2 in a row luckily it’s not very severe until I got back to Uncle’s house. I manage to get Ayumi’s CD at Bras Basah Mall CD-Rama which cost me SGD$24.95.We go fetch Chin Yee [my cousin] and her handsome boyfriend!! Her boyfriend sure is handsome he‘s from Brunei and got the looks of Wu Zhun~!! I wonder why my dearly USM don’t have such handsome boy!! Back to Uncle’s house take medicine and rest for awhile. 7.00pm we depart Singapore and hello Malaysia~!!
Overall I spend SGD$232.40 [RM562.41] Can’t believe that I had spend so much!! I can buy a beautiful Japanese Furisode Kimono with this amount.. The whole trip was pleasant especially the exhibition part. But then Singapore truly is just a shopping , money wasting travelling site!! Also the conversion rate is quite high SGD$1 = RM2.42and the weather in Singapore is extreamly hot compare to dearly lovely Penang!!  
                                      The Katong Laksa : looks nice taste
                                 The entrance of Asian Civilization Musuem
Clake Quay : Looks nice in the photo however if you stand at that place for a day you will die!! It's sooo hot !!! No cloud at all!! [I duno why this picture cannot turn around in Multiply~]
The traditional drum inside Asian Civilization Museum [stupid kids are fooling around]
The poster of Emperor KangXi's 60th Birthday in ACM Musuem
                                        The stuff I bought during this trip
Emperor KangXi [my husband] and I!! That Wei Yee said I look very miang in this photo.Really meh?? Maybe it's because I finally get to take photo with my husband guah~!!hahaha. kinda regret cause i didn't make myself pretty pretty~hehe well what can you expect?? try walking under the hot sun and see how pretty you can be....



人物:我的家人,舅舅一家与舅母的哥哥一家。 [六个成人,五个学生与一个儿童]
票价:家庭价 [全员SGD$40]
以下是我凭印象所画出来的展览图,部分有点错误。部分的文物有图片各位可以点击link去看,不然可以到我的photo album那里看看。

8. 康熙帝祭典礼服
9. 康熙时代的椅子
13. 康熙十四岁亲政的奏折 [仿真物] 与当时的秀才书
14. 宫廷乐师的布条/装饰
15. 喇嘛和尚袈裟
18. 康熙御用弓箭、指环、射箭工具
19. 青年康熙佩刀像
20. 三弦
