

14/7 是我的第一个lab[原先只是以为briefing 罢了,谁知说完后就马上开始了。] 这一开始就从10am 做到4pm 了!!整整6个小时,没有lunch break!!  不止4pm 又开始上上课,上到7pm为止。根本没有时间吃东西、休息。。
别以为这样就结束了,还有所谓的after math 也就是lab report. 共有12页的data 必须画出12graph , 还有一大堆theory , discussion , calculation and conclusion.  一个星期两个lab , 两个lab report..haiz…
还有上lecture 所给的assignment ,然后温习功课呢?
这就是the life of second year student…..


My 2 and 1/2 months Long Term Holiday Review

所以今天就来写写这个唯一漫长假期review。。因为明年的假期得去industrial training~
·         风之画员  [3.5/5] 故事内容有点慢,不过拍得很美必须以艺术角度欣赏。
·         苗翠花 [4.5/5] 哈哈~!旧戏重温~好怀恋呢~江华与关泳荷都演得很好!!
·         倚天屠龙记[3.5/5] 又是一部旧戏重温~ 这是94年台湾版本,由马景涛,叶童以及周海媚主演。小时候就很喜欢周海媚演绎的周芷若了所以就很喜欢这版的倚天。不过看了后觉得此剧蛮拖拉地所以有一大段的时间都在forward呵呵~ 使得我在大概3/4天内就把64集的长剧给看完了~ 重温此剧让我喜欢上了杨不悔与殷梨亭之间的感情。
·         笑傲江湖[5/5] 旧戏重温again!! 这是我等了很久终于等到翻版的94TVB吕颂贤版本的笑傲江湖。也是我最喜欢最符合原著的一版!!吕颂贤真的演活了令狐冲!!My favorite character!!!
Overall Review:  两个月半只看这些些剧好像有点少,因为laptop不能看翻版而客厅的TV又常常被家人给霸占了所以就只看这些罢了。而且看连续剧需要的是耐性~看来这二字我是没什么有啦~
·         Angels  & Demons (theater x2) [5/5] Camerlengo的部分第二次在theater流泪了~哈~好喜欢Ewan Mcgregor哦~!
·         Star Trek (theater) [4.5/5] I like Spork~ haha!!
·         Monsters  vs. Aliens  (theater)[2/5] 烂戏!无聊~
·         Night at Museum 2 (theater x1 , home x1) [4/5]最喜欢那个Darth VaderOscar the Grouth的部分了~
·         Night at Museum (home x2) [4/5] 其实那个年轻埃及法老蛮帅唷~Akhmunrah
·         Blood The Last Vampire (theater) [2/5] 烂戏!超无聊~ 
·         Departures [5/5] 看过后哭得要命!很美丽,很感动不过还没有心情准备重看~
·         Star Wars Episode I/II/III [5/5] I’m Obi Wan Kenobi fans~ yeah!!
·         Lord of the Ring : Fellowship of the Ring [5/5] I like Lady Galadriel~! However the movie it’s kind of long , my butt pain after finished the movie~ haha!!
·         Slumdog Millionaire [4/5] 剧情新鲜不过嘛~有点像在看印度戏一样~哈哈!!
·         火龙(youtube) 很久很久的戏咯~不过剧情还挺有趣的。
·         火烧圆明园(youtube)  也是很久很久的戏了~剧情也算有趣
Overall Review: 这是我去戏院看最多戏的假期了。其实全都因为我的表哥他们咯~
·         英主康熙[5/5] 作者把用小说故事来叙述康熙的历史,挺好看的!
·         Jedi Apprentice Book I [4/5]  重看小说,打发时间而已。
On Process的书:
·         The Wind-Up Bird Chronicles  by 村上春树 [一本奇怪的书。不过却有一种特别的吸引力让你读下去。](70% complete)
·         爱新觉罗毓嶦回忆录 by爱新觉罗毓嶦 [一本回忆录。已经看完作者回忆他与末代皇帝溥仪二十年的故事了。至于作者自己的部分,我似乎有点懒惰看了。](50% complete)
·         The Catholic Catechism  [Non-fiction 需要思考的一本书,所以不能快快看完。] (15% complete)
·         The Chronicles of Mystery: The Secret of Scorpio Ritual [haven’t finish stuck in the middle darn it!]
·         FBI Confidential: The murder of the Puppeteer [Scary and interesting!! Love it~!]
·         The Sims 3 [yeah!!  I’m a Sims fans!! Still playing~!!]
·         康熙[5/5] 哈哈~我的相公哟~!
·         和服 [5/5] Especially the Furisode Kimono~
·         金田一少年事件簿里头的明智警视 [3.5/5]
·         倚天屠龙记里的杨不悔与殷梨亭 [3.5/5]
·         Ewan McGregor [3/5] 
CD bought during the Holiday/rating:
·         NEXT LEVEL Ayumi Hamasaki [5/5]
·         THE PRIEST the priest [5/5]
Music I like during this holiday:
·         红蝴蝶 -吴卓羲
·         美人图 -李安Lee &
·         Come What May – Ewan McGregor and Nicole Kidman
·         Sparkle – Ayumi Hamasaki
·         Curtain Call – Ayumi Hamasaki
·         Never say Why , Never say No -566 featuring 中野さゆり
·         送行人~Memory - 久石譲
·         월화정인 (月下情人)  from Portrait of a beauty OST
·         Most of the song from the CDs that I bought during the Holiday
·         Singapore
·         KL
Things that never done before:
·         Become a part-time math tuition teacher at St. Joseph Home of the orphanage.  [Quite an experience, I plan to see them every Friday even after school reopen. However their lack of interest disappointed me.]
·         Attend a classical concert [Not bad, but just the sound system of our Dewan Sri Penang…]
·         Make-up [though this is not the 1st time but then he-he the nicest time!]
·         Slept at 5.30am for a few days [pia Drama~ hahaha!!]
·         Didn’t sleep for a night [Play Sims 3 till 5am then afterwards go KL ha-ha!!]
It’s a wrap~
That’s what I done during this 2 and ½ Mid-term Holiday~
Month of April:  Singapore Trip
Month of May: Lying on my bed~ ha-ha!! Do nothing~
Month of June: Movie month and meaningful month cause I work in the orphanage [everyday for 2 weeks and twice in a week for 2 weeks]
Month of July: (1st week only) 武侠周~呵呵!!
New term New beginning~!!  Hopefully everyone can enjoy their precious University life before going out to UM [University Masyarakat!!] Ha-ha!!