



Genre: International
Artist:Hirai Ken
This is the title song of Jin-2 by one of my favourite Japanese Singer Ken Hirai. It's a meaningful and touching song~


たとえ时がうつろうと 缝い合わせた绊は决して解けない 假如时间可以推移 相连的羁绊是绝对不会解开
あああなたの声は 忘れれば忘れゆくほどに 焼き付いてた 你的声音 越想忘记越 铭记不忘

あなたの手を强く握ることも あなたを抱きしめることも 我知道用力握你的手 与你紧紧拥抱 都得不到命运的允许
その笑颜に その涙に そのひたむきな思いに触れたかった 就算这样我还是想 抚摸那笑面 那泪水 那一心一意的思念.
心から。。。。 发自内心..

爱しき日々よ サヨナラは言わないで 相恋的日子啊 请不要说再见好吗?
あなたに会いたくて もう一度会いたくて 届くまで叫び続ける 很想见到你 真的好想再一次见到你 我一直呼叫着直到你听到为止
忘れはしない この体が消えても 就算我消失了 也绝不会忘记
あなたに吹く风よ あなたに咲く花よ 为你唤起的风啊 为你绽开的花啊
あなたと追いかけた明日よ また会いたくて 和你一起追赶的明天啊 还想再见一次

今も胸に残るよ 世界で一番美しい夕阳が 现在还留在心中哦
ああその瞳には 不安より大きな希望が辉いてた 世上最美的夕阳 把不安掩盖的希望在你的双眼里闪耀着

ただ近くで见つめあえるだけで 幸せのすべてを知った 只要近近的互相凝视 就能感受幸福的真谛
道の先に哀しみが待ってても 就算一个人在马路边悲哀的等待着
その愿いを その言叶を その一筋の光を守りたかった 也想守护那个愿望 那一句话 那一寸光
いつまでも。。。 直到永远

その笑颜に その涙に そのひたむきな思いに触れたかった 但我还是想 抚摸那笑面 那泪水 那一心一意的思念.
心から。。。。 发自内心..

爱しき日々よ サヨナラは言わないで 相恋的日子啊 请不要说再见好吗?
あなたに会いたくて もう一度会いたくて 届くまで叫び続ける 很想见到你 真的好想再一次见到你 我一直呼叫着直到你听到为止
忘れはしない この体が消えても 就算我消失了 也绝不会忘记
あなたに吹く风よ あなたに咲く花よ 为你唤起的风啊 为你绽开的花啊
あなたと追いかけた明日よ また会いたくて 和你一起追赶的明天啊 还想再见一次
爱しき日々よ いま歩きだそう 想恋的日子啊 现在我将踏出这一步




Harry Potter and I

So yesterday was the end of my “teenager’s dream” of course apparently the “real” one ended 3 years ago. What I mean is the end of Harry Potter movie franchise.
So this blog is about my encountered with Harry Potter and how it accompanied me throughout my teenage years.
Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone
It started when I was 13 years old [exactly the age suitable to enroll in Hogwarts!!] November 2001. I went to Singapore to stay there for my 2 months secondary school holiday. That time Singapore mobile network M1 was giving 2 tickets of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. Since I got nothing to do my Uncle gave the tickets to me and Yong Liang to go watch together at Shaw House.  This was my 1st and only time to watch movie in Singapore’s theater. It’s very big and grand almost like an opera house to me and we ate Nacho’s with cheese during the movie~
After the movie we went to the Burger King Restaurant and shared a burger meal. It was almost like a movie date wasn’t it? Talk about teenage dream lol~ Of course after that I became one of the million fans of Harry Potter franchise.  I just love the pair of Hermione and Harry, and I even tried to mimic Hermione’s attitude ^^
And so the next day and after on I went to MPH Singapore to buy myself 3 Harry Potter’s books which consist of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, Chamber of Secret and Goblet of Fire. I bought the 3rd book Prisoner of Azkaban in Penang Times book store.
During my stay in Singapore I also bought lots of Harry Potter magazine, Chocolate frogs with wizard cards, Flavors Beans and action figures [if not mistaken]. After back to Penang, I watched the movie again with my parents. I also bought HP jig-saw puzzles of Harry, Hermione and Malfoy, Harry and Hermione Barbie style doll, Harry Potter cassette soundtrack and Hedwig the owl. Other than Hedwig the owl and the soundtrack, I threw or gave away all the HP merchandize.
I even create fake Daniel Radcliffe’s emails to woo other fans...And always hanging around in HP Warner Brothers Message Board.
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secret
The following year 2002 November, again was a big month for me and the other Harry Potter fans. Watched this movie with my parents, my Dad slept in the theater.   More of the magazines, action figures [Harry, Ron and Malfoy], lego, HP levitation challenge, HP version Clue Do, HP Uno cards, HP Qudditch Game cards, HP version of Polly Pocket, The Sorcerer’s Companion, The Wondrous World of Harry Potter, The beast and monster book, music scores, CD soundtrack and the original movie VCD [my 1st and only original HP movie]. I even bought a crazy stupid childish version of Hermione’s wand. Not to mention I also made myself a wand using the twig I found near my house and applied mahogany purple maroon colour paint onto it, as for the handle I use tissues paper and glue to make it stiff. Talk about creativity ha-ha!! Well these 2 wands still inside my wardrobe...lol
During the interval of HP2 to HP3 Zhao Wen, Diana and I wrote a love letter in sugar paper to my favourite actor in the movie Mr. Tom Felton a.k.a Draco Malfoy. We got the letter after 2 months inside with his letter and an autograph photo!!
I sent another following month one to Tom again and another to Daniel Radcliffe.  Sadly I threw these autographs away few years ago, stupid me!!
I wrote a fan fiction of the Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix and wrote myself as animagus of white wolf who eventually becomes Draco’s girlfriend ha-ha but this story will never get an ending lol!!
With the HP buzz I fall in love with their HP fashion i.e. sweatshirt, pleated black skirt and shirt + sweater Hogwarts school uniform.
Also my best friend Zhao Wen gave me an offer letter to Hogwarts and a bracelet during my 14th birthday~
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
This movie released in June 2004, my form 4 years. If not mistaken I watched this movie with my friends [Zhao Wen and Diana] together with my parents in Gurney Plaza. HP 3 truly is my favorite HP movie and my father didn’t fall asleep throughout this movie. Which proved that this is an interesting show^^.  My room that time was decorated with newspaper cutting of HP 3 poster.
I’m in love with the soundtrack too, due to “financial problem” I just manage to get myself a cassette version of HP3 soundtrack.
During HP 3 and 4 intervals I was crazy about the fact of who’s going to play Cho Chang, Harry first crush who is an Asian girl.
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Cool one because of the fact that I watched this movie at Genting and it’s only a week before my SPM exam!! Just that maybe the effect in Genting cinema not that state to the art and I felt that the movie not that nice. Nevertheless after the exam I watched it again in GSC Gurney with my buddy, it became much better and I fall for Cedric Diggory [suddenly the actor’s name doesn’t ring a bell in my brain...oh well I “dumped” him after Cedric death  or after the actor went to make the Twilight saga]
Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix
Let’s talk about the book first. This book was realized after HP 1 and 2 movies. And it was a highly anticipated one.  With the introduce of a new character Luna Lovegood, it made fans [especially women] wondered who will end up with Harry. Luna definitely my favourite character in the book. I bought 2 version of this book British version and America version later on.
As for the film it was released on 2007 almost the same time with the HP book 7, I had lost the passion for the HP series. Maybe it’s due to the storyline becomes more and more dull and also the soundtrack of the movie. Soundtrack do work you know!! And of course the fact that we have already knew the ending [Harry end up with Ginny].
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Book: Preorder the book and got it very early in the morning around 7-8am at Prangin Mall. Got a sugar paper made hat, wooden wand, long white candle and HP 6 cover printed paper bag as free gift. This book revealed the fact that Harry will end up with Ginny so I just quickly glance thru the book in a day and without reading it again. This book consists of excessive snogging!! Blek
Film: Was a damn big mistake!! It’s so stupid and it’s like a romance version of HP. The movie is 2.5 hours. The 1st 2 hours was about romance and snogging!! Only the last 0.5 hours was about action. Damn!!  Some from the 1st 2 hours were quite interesting though, i.e. the Half-blood prince poison book. Watched with my fellow course mate, since us the chemistry student [Poison student in the HP word] so that part really funny to us~ other than that one word -----lame.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Book: Bought it very early in the morning at Tesco because they after the best price compared with other bookstores. Not really looked forward to it because before the release of the book there already had leaked the epilogue of the book around the internet. Though it’s just a small part of it, I really like the love story between Lupin and Tonks and they are my favourite characters in the book.
Film: They split this book into two movies.
Part 1: Why the waste their movie to make this film?? It’s so dull and lame. What on earth was that suddenly a dancing scene out of nowhere? Are they making bollywood movie? I will rate this movie as the dullest and lamest movie throughout the HP series. I like Hermione [Emma Watson]’s fashion and makeup though, and the best part out of the junk was the deathly hallows story. I watched this movie alone in Gurney with grapes as my movie snacks~ Saw some M kids in the theater wondering whether they can understand the movie or not? Or maybe it just “gaya” to go watch the “in” movie…Ha-ha!
Part 2: Watched it with my buddy yesterday.  Interesting but just that everything seems going too fast and got the feeling that it’s not as nice compared with the earlier film [HP 1- HP4]. But still it can considered as the best among the later film [HP5-HP7.2]
There’re quite a lot of my favourite scene in the film i.e.
Professor McGonagall and fellow Professors sealing up Hogwarts ground,
a short scene of Lupin and Tonks holding hands [damn they should film more about them!!],
Ron and Hermione in the chamber of secret [kissing scene ha-ha]
and of course the best of the best The Price’s Tale [it’s so touching!! Dumbledore: after all the years? Snape: always!! I almost cried.]
Plan to watch 7.2 again and maybe buy its soundtrack or some HP collectibles to mark an end to the great saga which accompanied me for 10 years from 13 to 23!!
Though this saga got its good and bad, still it had nurtured me the habit of reading. And it will be remembered and bring back my teenage memories when I listen to the HP soundtracks [especially those composed by John Williams i.ie Harry Wondrous World, Hedwig’s Theme, Window to the past or Double Trouble] or watch the movies.
Speaking of favourite:
My favourite characters in the saga are: Remus Lupin
Nymphadora Tonks
Luna Lovegood
Harry Potter
Draco Malfoy
Hermione Granger
Severus Snape [only after watching 7.2 that I truly appreciate his works and love].
As for the favourite movie and soundtrack goes to Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.
Hateful characters: Ginny Weasley [sorry dear I just hate you!] , Dolores Umbridge [you too pink pig], Bellatrix Lestrange [you’re too crazy for me and killed my favourite character!] and Molly Weasley [sorry to say but you are too Ginny alike]
So that’s a wrap!! So long for the HP saga~ tah-tah!!


Money not enough!!

So finally graduate = no more “semly” $$ flow in to your bank account by our “beloved” government…
I had returned to my “dear” USM to start my master research, but, the bad news is my Dr. Seng doesn’t pay me. Was it due to what I said to him earlier? I don’t have any worries about $$. If so I damn regret it!! But anyway those newly come in FYP students also don’t get paid, eventually that means he’s running out of grant.
So much for this grant thingy, what I really hope is I will get my Graduate Assistant offer this sep or oct. then I’ll get at least RM900 per month~  Well it’s better than nothing!!
But at present, the month of July and August, I’m broke, and, currently unemployed. Still I’m in this urge to buy things!!
Why women can’t stop spending money? Shit!!
So I’m writing a list of what I want to buy and where I want to spend my $$...
Buy list:
-Hada Labo Trial Set RM35
-Harmony by The Priests RM46.90
-Heels [target within RM90]
-Ballet flats [target within RM40]
-Some Spiritual books yet to decide [target within RM50]
Spend list:
-Enrolment fee: RM2165 [spend on early July]
-Body check up: RM60 [spend on early July]
-Choice Mandarin Camp: RM100 [mid of July, but still haven’t decide whether to go]
-Hair rebonding: RM200 [spend on end of July or early August]
Not to mention $$ use for food, hang out and movies!!! Also it seems that my dear laptops are getting slower and slower day by day....
Truly money will never be enough, even for the richest person in the world…
O screw you pathetic money!!