
Finally this is the time...

Breaking news….
My Final Year Project advisor is…….
Ah Seng !!!!!
Wah~ sooo happy ~!!!
Now have to study for physical chemistry exam after that start FYP during May~ yeah!!
Haven’t meet him , so dunno what’s the topic yet~  Should meet him tomorrow…hahahaha
So…it seems like I really like him loh~ haha
By the way that wc get a black advisor oh ~ kesiannya this is what other said Karma~
Hope I can finish my FYP nicely and also maybe get my Master under him also…
p.s Going to Japan in Early June..

3 件のコメント:

  1. muahahaha.... good for u, and great for him~

  2. yaya..hahaha but then the bad news is the seng mia topic kinda takes time...if i'm not wrong i need to go back sch late at nite to feed bacteria.....hahaah swt||| maybe later also feed the "unknown" also~ haha

  3. nvm la... interesting, so wont be boring
