
My 2013~

With less than 5 hours time to end this the year, let's take some time to reflect on what happen to us during the year 2013.

525600 min, how to you measure- measure a year? ~ Rent

So how were my 2013??

First, let’s flip back to see my new year resolution in the beginning of the year..
That is to:
1.       Finish my master at the end of the year 2013.
2.       Learn all the GRE words and Japanese N1.
3.       Lose 4 kg.


1st resolution, didn't manage to finish it. But probably will finish it next year by June, especially today my Professor had finally agreed to let me terminate my reactors, in order words I can stop my experimental part and start writing. So, which let this resolution 80% done??

2nd. This one totally flunk it. Ha-ha! I manage to get into the JLPT N1 exam, but surely will receive the letter without the cert, next year March a.k.a I failed!! So, 20% done XD

3rd. I did manage to shed few kg of fat, but I had already forgotten my weight in the beginning of year. Still I would say this 80%~90% done.

From reviewing my New Year resolutions, I guess my 2013 weren’t very bad at all. Or should I say it’s awesome!! Of course, there will always be unhappiness, anger, depress, disappointment in it….

Whether in happiness or in vain, these were the tiny little bits of moments that made up my year of 2013. And I’m very thankful, after all these were the things that are going to become our experience and educate us in future, aren’t they??

For better, for worst, for happy, for vain, life goes on…
Endure the pain, eventually makes you stronger…
Appreciate the happiness, which makes you feel love…

2013, Thank you and Good bye…

p.s. Today’s my parents 30th Wedding Anniversary~ They always are the so-call ‘quarreling couple’ nonetheless, still they manage to tag along with one another for 30 years~ Congrats to them for their love, commitment and patience to each other~!!

That’s my 2013, how about yours??

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