
なぜ 玄烨喫茶店?

なぜ 私のブログの名前は  玄烨「げにょう」喫茶店ですか。
玄烨は  私が大好きの歴史人物です。玄烨は 中国清時代の王康煕王帝の本名です。
康煕王帝の本名は 愛新觉羅玄烨です。とても きれいな 名前ですね。そして 康煕王帝も 有名と優しい 王帝です。

じゃ、なぜ 喫茶店ですか。

Why I put "Xuan Ye Coffee Shop" as my blog title?
Well first of all Xuan Ye is my favourite historic person. Aishingoro Xuan Ye was one of the Emperor in China. He rules during the Qing Dynasty and his emperor name is Kang Xi. Emperor Kang Xi had a nice name [Xuan Ye] and he's also a nice and successful emperor.

Then why coffee shop?
Actually , I love coffee and tea very much. Especially Green Tea and Blue Moutain Coffee....

この写真は 少年の康熙帝です。

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