
Why continue?

Today my course mate asks me why I want to continue master? Continue master isn’t it just to find a better job in the future. Since now with a bachelor degree it’s quite easy to find a job even an engineer job as long as you keep on trying. Why I still want to continue? Besides, I heard that there’s not much different between a master holder and a degree holder’s pay check.
I really don’t know how to answer him. Perhaps I am lazy. Lazy to go out to face the society. But I think deep inside me, the reason I want to continue master is because of reputation problem. Though it’s kind of silly but I just can’t accept those people with poorer results than me get to end up with a master cert maybe even a PhD cert.
Perhaps my lifetime aspiration is to collect all the certificates available in the university and get a Dr. in front of my surname. It seems that I’m just a superficial person. But what’s wrong with that?
Just that sometimes I am worried about my family. My family is having financial problems but I just can’t help them. RM550 per month is just too scarce to support the family besides damn the university that I couldn’t even get a smooth pay check every end of the month!
But it’s too late the change anything, since I had started my experiment.  Let’s hope that I can finish it within 2-3years time and my family still in a perfect condition. After that it’s going to be another story, another chapter of my life….

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